

Through our datasheets, we provide you with all the information needed to learn about our products:


  • Screen Watermark Solution.
  • Printing Watermark Solution.
  • Anti Copy Solution.
  • PRTSC Prevention solution.


We also ensure that you are always well-informed about the latest cybersecurity news.

Check out our blog posts and use cases.



Cybersecurity has become a critical concern for organizations across the globe. With the ever-growing sophistication of cyber threats, fostering a cybersecurity-conscious culture within your organization is no longer an option but a necessity. According to recent surveys, 40% of business leaders believe cyber-threats will “highly affect” their organization’s performance in 2024. However, while technological solutions play a vital role in safeguarding against cyberattacks, leadership plays a crucial role in shaping organizational attitudes and behaviors toward cybersecurity.

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The Middle East is rapidly emerging as a key player in the global digital landscape. However, with the continuing success of this digital transformation comes the growing risk of cyber threats that pose significant challenges to the region’s security and stability. These attacks have the potential to derail the progress of digitization and threaten the benefits delivered through it.

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In today’s business landscape, companies are overloaded with vast amounts of information. Harnessing the true potential of this data requires more than just storage; it demands a strategic and systematic approach. Data governance makes data a valuable asset contributing to informed and smart decision-making and organizational success.

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DataPatrol English Datasheet

DataPatrol Arabic Datasheet

Screen Watermark Datasheet

Use Cases

Banking and Financial

Protecting sensitive internal information Protecting Clients’ Private Information Ability to apply Government and Central Banks Anti-Cyber Crime Law and penalties in case of data exfiltration.
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Health Sector

Protecting Patients’ Private Medical records and information Compliance with JCI (Joint Commission International) for Copy-Paste reccomendation.
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Manufacturing and PetroChemical

Protect Prodcut cost information, customer data, intelluctual property rights, operations information and marking strategy.
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Protect biometric data, medical information, personally identifiable information (PII) and unique identifiers such as passport or Social Security numbers. Ability to apply Government Anti-Cyber Crime Law and penalties in case of data exfiltration.
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